Summer Reading Comes to an End

We've only just begun.  With the end of the Summer Reading Program this Thursday, it's seems the summer is flying by (on a great, hot scirocco!).  There is a lot going on here at the library, and the best way to find out what's new is to visit our Facebook page and Like Us!  Just follow the link down below by the new Social Media Policy, or click here!  Facebook  If you like us, you win a trip to the Treasure Chest! (adults too!).

Everyone is invited to the End of Summer Picnic,  this Thursday, July 26 from 2-3:30 pm. Make a Dreamcatcher with the 4H and enjoy a Chicago Style Hot Dog courtesy of the Wolff Group and Chicago Red Hots!  For those of you who refuse to have anything to do with Chicago, we'll also have All-American Hot Dogs!  For the Grand Finale, I'll announce the winners of the Nook Color and the Nook 8GB Tablet!

I hope everyone who participated in the program had a good time.  We were able to have great prizes thanks to donations and the Mother's Day Book and Bake Sale.  I learned a lot about the village and "our" children.  Next year the programming will have more oomph! 

I'm looking forward to building robots and rockets with the guys (and gals).   Who knows, maybe the next great scientist is right here in Wild Rose, just waiting to emerge!  If the robots go well, I think we could muster up a team to go to the Robot Competitions, too.  As far as the rockets go (which is pretty far), the sky's the limit!  (sorry, I just had to!)

Storytime will start  in September - please stop by or give me a call I'm thinking of Wednesdays as our Storytime day.  I'd like to know what you think! 

Early literacy is the cornerstone in the foundation of life!

Mr. Kent


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