
Summertime... and the Readin' is easy!

Summer READING Program

School's out for summer, the boys are back in town and summer programming kicks off NOW!  Don't miss out on fun, reading and FREE BOOKS!  Every child signed up for the Summer Reading Program will be given a free book to start the summer off right and another free book when they finish the program!  We also have fun bookmarks, great performers and free bumperstickers when you reach the halfway point of the summer reading program!

Gardening is HUGE in Wild Rose!

You have a neighbor that gardens.  I'm willing to bet almost everyone in Wild Rose does.  True to our Welsh, German, English and Norwegian roots - we are a garden village!  Once we were the Village of Roses - there were a lot more roses then.  Yet, gardens continue to bloom, vegetables grow and what the deer, gophers or rabbits don't get  - we enjoy with our families and friends!

Gardening is HUGE in Wild Rose!

You have a neighbor that gardens.  I'm willing to bet almost everyone in Wild Rose does.  True to our Welsh, German, English and Norwegian roots - we are a garden village!  Once we were the Village of Roses - there were a lot more roses then.  Yet, gardens continue to bloom, vegetables grow and what the deer, gophers or rabbits don't get  - we enjoy with our families and friends!


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